Gramma Slaughter’s Favorite Verse:

“I lift up my eyes unto the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven & Earth” Psalm 121:1-2

It all started with WH Slaughter, called Turk, his wife Lillie Mae, called Skeeter, and their toddler son Freddie, wishing to move out of the Imperial Valley California desert to the serene peaceful mountain town of Julian, California. Here they would build their home, raise their son and start their life’s adventure. Once grown Fred married Susan McCurdy, schoolmate. They had 3 girls; Suzette, Sandra, & Stacy who all grew up in Julian in the house Fred built. Youngest daughter Stacy married her classmate, Randy Peyakov. They had 2 children, Logan & Casey who also grew up in Julian. Logan lives in Julian & helps with the farms. Casey married Cain & is currently having a cluster of Glanzer children in Huron, South Dakota where they “really farm”.

Skeet & Turk lived long enough to be blessed meeting 3 out of 4 great grandchildren. Logan, Casey, Rowlynda & Mac.

Now, Turk with Wife Skeeter and son Freddie picked up their originally family and moved to their new forever & ever home! They reside where their beautiful mountains reach to the sky~

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable, undefiled, and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you” 1 Peter 1:3-4

Ranchita #1 was started in 1942 by my grandfather & grandmother. In 1981 Ranchita #2 was born as my dad & I started planting Apple Trees that became part of my FFA project.

I often get asked about the name of the orchard. It never had a name until one day my Father left me a message on the phone jokingly letting me know he was sitting at “ranchita del reo”. Reo is our old Reo Truck & ranchita for little ranch & for me. Yes, reo is culprit. Yes, it should be Rancho. And Yes, it is not proper Spanish. My answer usually is: “aren’t we all culprits/prisoners until we are freed from bondage of sin”?

…”because the Lord has anointed me to bring Good News to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, And freedom to prisoners…” Isaiah 61:1

We specialize in Heirloom Fruit. I began pressing cider with my father when I was in the 6th grade. I worked for my grandparents & sold apples out of their garage when I was just a little kid. I have been blessed to share some of my most favorite “happy places” with my husband, Randy (friend since 5th grade & husband for 38 years) our children, son Logan & daughter Casey with son-in-law, Cain. And now we have our 5th generation of FARMERS in their early beginnings. Exciting things are always happening on our unique one of a kind family farms!

Stacy L. Slaughter Peyakov

Randy & Stacy’s wedding song: Don’t sit under the Apple Tree with anyone else but me”